Just after we had
tied the knot and were sheltering under umbrellas getting ready to make a dash
for the car, my Nan who was in her 80s and extremely superstitious came up to me and
whispered in my ear “Congratulations my darling - but oh dearie me , this is a sad day, every
drop of rain on your wedding day represents s a slap he’ll give you!” Thanks
for that Nannie – just what I needed to hear! Twenty-five years on and I somehow remain happily married, un-battered
and content with my lot - so much for
old wives’ tales. In fact whilst writing
I think I see a break in the darkened skies. So here’s to Naomi and Steve – even
though I have never met them. May their wedding
be joyous and their marriage long and happy.
And I do hope that they don’t have any superstitious old ladies ready to
put the dampeners on what is already an extremely damp day.