So this afternoon we watched Elf (which is my second all time favourite Christmas film of all time) and we got to wondering why films like Elf don't win Oscars. Isn't it about time, in this age of austerity, that we showed a little appreciation for kitsch! Elf has it all - humour, pathos,a simple love story, the triumph of good over evil, blimey you could bottle Will Ferrell's enthusiasm and sell it. Maybe they should just introduce a new Oscar category - an Oscar for "Family Film" of the year. Then all the serious, dramatic, self-important films could battle it out, but the light-hearted amongst us could have our Oscar need filled too. I think I'm on to something here.
On the subject of Oscars a book I was sad to see go this week was a signed, limited edition of "How Green Was My Valley" by Richard Llewellyn. The gentleman who bought it said the recipient would be absolutely thrilled with it and for that I am delighted. I have blogged before about how some books are special to me and I hate to see them go and this falls into that category. I like the idea of the author having held that actual copy of the book in his hands. I suppose it touches my sentimental streak. "How Green Was My Valley" is the story of a Welsh mining family, the Morgans, and is a testament to the hardship suffered by the mining communities in the 19th century, the back-breaking work, terrible working conditions, and the incredibly tough lives that they lived. It's a great film (especially if your surname is Williams!) - and was the shock winner of the 1942 Academy Award for Best Picture beating what is often called the best film of all time -"Citizen Kane" to the top spot.
Just in case you were wondering, my favourite Christmas film, is "It's a Wonderful Life!" Last year they played it on the big screen at Dunstable's Grove Theatre - and I went twice. That's how much I love it. I have it on DVD. In fact if anyone wants to swap a signed copy of James Stewart's autobiography for a signed copy of Lauren Baccall's then get in touch!!